Category Archives: Technical

Welcome To My New Home

Welcome to the Twoberries site. This website has existed as for 15 years now in various guises. This latest version is now hosted as rather than There are a couple of reasons for this, firstly Scotland is moving inexorably towards independence and , as a supporter of independence, I thought the use of a .scot domain would be a way of demonstrating that support. Secondly, the .com domain has been hosted on a computer on my home network. For quite a long while this was a largely text based website so the low outbound bandwidth didn’t matter too much. However, over the last few years it has become more image intensive and those images have become higher definition. Although the outbound bandwidth has grown as I now have a fibre connection, it is not enough to support the website. I have had an increasing number of complaints about the site being unavailable so I have been faced with the choice of giving it up or moving it elsewhere. For mainly sentimental reasons I have decided to keep it and this new site is now hosted by Heart Internet.
It has taken a little while to get to grips with their way of doing things and working through a control panel rather than having complete control of the server, but I’ve now got there.
So if you have visited before and found it difficult to access the site, you should see a significant improvement.
The .com site no longer exists all requests are re-directed here.
Enjoy the site.